A lot of things has change since the inception of the internet, the place we used to browse is not the same it used to be. What we do with the ubiquos nodes conected really matter, our privacy matters. A lot.
I didn’t intent it, but turns out this site complies with the GDPR!
I try to keep my own privacy far for bad actors, but I also want to the future visitors the best experience with their own privacy even if they don’t realize what’s happening.
HTTPS by default
There’s a lot of bad things it can happen while you navigate with your browser, HTTPS is one of the foundations of your privacy. I recommend to read Kevin’s blog about it: Why HTTPS Is Important.
With HTTPS your connection is kept private between your browser and the webserver who’s serving the web page(s), no persons nor corporations are able of see the data in transit (including user/passwords). That’s good.
But also, it guarantees the integrity of what the person who create the webpage meant to communicate. Without HTTPS your ISP provider can even inject any kind of data on the page, modify it, or do whatever they want since the connection is not secured.
No trackers
Non. Zero. Nada. I would never again will add Facebook or Twitter or Instagram widgets buttons. They are trackers on disguise!
No logs
I don’t store logs on the server side 1
No Cookies
I can prove that!
CookieMetrix has the report so you can review it.
Terms of Service
I’ll try to make it simple: I’m asumming you are here because something is interesting to you but you don’t have to be agree with me, nor sign nothing at all.
All the Content on my website is under Creative Commons License By 4.0, you can use it freely as long as you give credit.
This Privacy report is highly based on Kevin’s Quirk Privacy page
“New York Times Upshot: Internet Privacy” by Ellen Porteus is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0: source & search
Yeap, you have to trust me on that. But It’s true. ↩︎